Recommended  Reading

in alphabetical order by author,

all well worth the price of admission.

David Allen – Getting Things Done (for all you OCD’s)

Hulda Regehr Clark – The Prevention Of All Cancers (not what your oncologist is telling you)

David L. Cook – Seven Days in Utopia (a great gift for unsaved golfers)

Timothy Ferris – The 4-Hour Workweek (do it if you can)

John Foxe – Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (be glad you are living in the 21st century)

David Otis Fuller – Which Bible? (completely trustworthy)

Samuel Gipp – Gipp’s Understandable History of the Bible (very easy to understand)

Malcolm Gladwell – Outliers (great secular advice for parents & parents-to-be)

God – King James Bible (read it and study it over and over)

Thomas Hienze – How Life Began (it was non-random non-spontaneous generation)

Alexander Hislop – The Two Babylons (why “holy” doesn’t always mean “holy”)

Grant Jeffrey – The Signature of God (you couldn’t even make this stuff up!)

Gaines Johnson – The Bible Genesis & Geology (science supports the Bible)

Robert Kaiser - So Damn Much Money:  The Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of American Government (you already know this, but here are the underlying facts)

Sean Keyhoe – Ancient Aliens (the evidence is everywhere)

Jon Krakauer - Under the Banner of Heaven (Mormonism revealed)

Clarence Larkin – The Book of Daniel, The Spirit World, Dispensational Truth, Revelation (amazing progressive revelation of spiritual truths that will endure, especially Daniel prophecies)

Steven D. Levitt & Stephen Dubner – Freakonomics (how to analyze things)

James Lowrance – The Genesis Gap Bible Teaching in 2700 Words (the scriptural ruin-reconstruction doctrine – not a theory)

Dwight Lundell, MD – The Cure for Heart Disease (stay healthy, my friend)

Stephen Mansfield – The Mormonizing of America (how angels of light operate)

Alexander McClure – The Translators Revived (impressive resumes of KJV translators)

Chuck Missler – Cosmic Codes:  Hidden Messages From The Edge of Eternity (the Bible is much more than it appears to be)

George Muller – The Autobiography of George Muller (the power of prayer)

Jason O’Hara – The Blueprint of Creation (God is the ultimate architect)

Hugh Pyle – The Truth about Tongues & the Charismatic Movement (from a real preacher with real results)

Jasper James Ray – God Wrote Only One Bible (amazing word study)

Gail Riplinger – New Age Bible Versions, In Awe of Thy Word (most complete explanations of Bible versions + awesome details of the pure words)

Dr. Peter Ruckman – Israel:  A Deadly Piece of Dirt (what really happened and what is really happening and what is really going to happen) - The Sure Word of Prophecy (History proves the Bible is correct, man is incorrect)

Kyle Stephens – the Certainty of the Words (specific documentation as to why our English KJV is the final authority)

Lee Strobel – The Case for Christ (professional journalistic investigation)

James Strong - The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (every location of every word documented)

Laurence Vance – The Angel of the Lord, The Other Side of Calvinism (the fact finder)

John Whitcomb & Henry Morris - The Genesis Flood (50 years of research)

David Wilkerson – The Cross and the Switchblade (nor let that inner city sinner die!)

Robert Dick Wilson – A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament (#1 word origin identification study from the #1 student of words)

Richard Wurmbrand – Tortured for Christ (how to love your enemies, check that – how he loved his enemies)